By Eric Sammons Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine. He is the author, most recently, of The Old Evangelization: How to Spread the Faith Like Jesus Did (Catholic Answers, 2017). Bishop Robert Barron first came to fame in the Catholic world for his fight against what he called “beige Catholicism.” The founder of Word on Fire rightly saw that a milquetoast, flaccid expression of Catholicism—so common in parishes across the country and embraced by the liberal elements of the Church—is a death knell for the Church. Barron wrote eloquent articles and produced polished videos reminding Catholics that the Faith is more than the insipid liturgies …
The often silent and surprising history of devotion to Saint Joseph
About Sandra Miesel 19 ArticlesSandra Miesel is an American medievalist and writer. She is the author of hundreds of articles on history and art, among other subjects, and has written several books, including The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code, which she co-authored with Carl E. Olson, and is co-editor with Paul E. Kerry of Light Beyond All Shadow: Religious Experience in Tolkien’s Work (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011). As we celebrate this official Year of St. Joseph, announced on December 8, 2020, by Pope Francis, Catholics readily join in paying tribute to a great and well-loved saint. Surely Our Lord’s foster-father has …
Rush Limbaugh, Defender of Life
By Eric Sammons Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine. He is the author, most recently, of The Old Evangelization: How to Spread the Faith Like Jesus Did (Catholic Answers, 2017). Although it was 16 years ago, I remember it vividly. I was driving down I-270 in Maryland toward Washington, DC, listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. This was unusual for me, because my work didn’t allow me to be driving very often during his noon–3 PM time slot. At this time the Terri Shiavo tragedy was playing out, with what seemed like the whole country following the sad story of this …
Teaching to Get to Heaven
By Fr. Simon Henry Fr. Simon Henry is Parish Priest at the Church of St. Catherine Labouré in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Ordained in 1991, he blogs on mostly liturgical issues at offerimus tibi domine. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology from Durham University and a master’s degree in Pastoral Liturgy from Heythrop College, University of London. He is the Director of the Petrus Trust, a not-for-profit company that runs Saint Peter’s. “If young people are educated properly, we have moral order; if not, vice and disorder prevail. Religion alone can initiate and achieve a true education.” St. John Bosco’s understanding …
The Biden Administration Poses New Threats to Catholic Education
By Patrick J. Reilly Patrick J. Reilly is president of The Cardinal Newman Society, which promotes and defends faithful Catholic education. In just the first months of the Biden administration, Catholic educators have been confronted by serious threats to their freedom to teach and witness to the Catholic faith. We knew the storm was coming. Over the last four years, schools and colleges enjoyed a brief respite before the anticipated return of Obama-era policies like the mandate for contraception coverage in healthcare plans and attempts to open bathrooms and locker rooms to students of the opposite sex. The new threats loom even larger. Catholics face …
The Value of Stay-at-Home Moms? Priceless
By Jessica Kramer Jessica Kramer hails from Cleveland, Ohio and is a freelance Video Host with MRCTV and writer currently living in the greater Washington, D.C. area. She is a graduate of Liberty University (former Protestant, Catholic convert). You can find more of her writing in The American Conservative, The Federalist, and Washington Examiner, or check out her budding YouTube channel. “The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only—and that is to support the ultimate career.” That famous C.S. Lewis line (which is actually just a paraphrase of his original quote) comes to mind every time I see …
Toxic Chanceries
By Michele McAloon Michele McAloon is a wife, mother, retired Army officer, and canon lawyer. She resides with her family in Germany. Despite sincere efforts by many to curb the sexual abuse crisis and initiate reform in the institutional Church, the true disease has yet to be cured. A significant problem still lies in the work environments of the chanceries and tribunals in dioceses throughout the country. From my own experience of working in a Tribunal, and in recent conversations with Tribunal and Chancery workers in multiple dioceses, there emerges a consistent narrative of toxic work environments characterized by needless secrecy, dismissive …
The Beauty of Reverence
By Paul Krause Paul Krause a humanities teacher, classicist, and essayist. He is also a Senior Contributor to The Imaginative Conservative and Associate Editor at VoegelinView. It is no secret that it is hard for a reverent Catholic to find a beautiful Mass. The desire for reverence is not the desire for a valid Mass, for the Mass—however obnoxious or orderly—is valid thanks to the Grace of God. However, the spirit of reverence adds to the power and majesty of the Mass; moreover, the spirit of reverence is the most fervent manifestation of faith in an age not of unbelief, but …
Risking Arrest to Defend the Unborn
By Monica Migliorino Miller Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D., is the Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society. She holds a degree in Theatre Arts from Southern Illinois University and graduate degrees in Theology from Loyola University and Marquette University. She is the author of several books including The Theology of the Passion of the Christ (Alba House) and, most recently, The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church (Emmaus Road) and Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars (St. Benedict Press). “Love your neighbor as yourself.”“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”“Rescue those being dragged to death, and from those tottering to execution withdraw …
Saving the Damsel in Distress
By David Larson David Larson is associate editor and a politics reporter for North State Journal, the managing editor for Stanly County Journal, and a writer in other respects. David lives in Durham, NC, with his wife and daughter. Gina Carano is currently the darling of conservative media. While I am in agreement that her canceling was another example of the totalitarian Left’s cultural cleansing, I also have to admit that I wasn’t a huge fan of her character on “The Mandalorian.” Don’t get me wrong; she did an excellent job at acting the part of a female equivalent of Arnold …