Pride month has once again come and gone. As in previous years, entire sections of major cities were given over to parades and festivals celebrating the rainbow of sexual preferences, complete with corporate backing and municipal blessing. Any quick survey of images from the Pride parades will show, among the leather daddies and drag queens, a number of revelers wearing miters, wielding rosaries, and cloaking their cause in satirical imagery of the Church. Indeed, it is the Church that is now the last, albeit sometimes unwilling, institutional holdout against the tide of the LGBT political agenda. On Monday, the New …
Author: Manuel Xavier
Go Ask Your Father
For the first forty years of my life, it never crossed my mind that I needed anything else but the Bible to know what I needed to believe to be a faithful Christian. When I was in seminary and preparing to become a Protestant pastor I studied the history of Christianity, but with a certain slant that skirted any acknowledgment of the historical importance of the Catholic Church. For me, as well as most of my fellow seminarians, the important history essentially ended with the closure of the New Testament and picked up again with the sixteenth century Protestant reformation. …
The Long Infiltration of the Catholic Church
Julia Meloni writes from the Pacific Northwest. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Yale and a master’s degree in English from Over a century before the St. Gallen mafia plotted to seize the papacy, a Freemasonic document dreamed of “a pope according to our heart.” He would be sprung from a generation won over to Freemasonic dogmas from its youth, via the corruption of families, books, and education. He would be elected by a corrupted clergy and would be similarly “imbued with the Italian and humanitarian principles which we are about to put into circulation.” “Let the clergy …
The Greater Mysteries in the Shadow of the Cross
Regis Nicoll is a retired nuclear engineer and a fellow of the Colson Center who writes commentary on faith and culture. His new book is titled Why There Is a God: And Why It Matters. “Jesus and His Disciples on the Sea of Galilee” painted by Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Oesterley in 1833 In the space between the Cross and the Parousia, we are prone to wonder: What really happens when we die? What does it mean to be absent from the body and present with the Lord? What is heaven like? Will our deceased pets be there? At the resurrection, …
U.S. Bishops Approve the Pope’s Capital Punishment Ban
Fr. George W. Rutler is pastor of St. Michael’s church in New York City. He is the author of many books including Principalities and Powers: Spiritual Combat 1942-1943 (South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press) and Hints of Heaven (Sophia Institute Press). His latest books are He Spoke To Us (Ignatius, 2016); The Stories of Hymns (EWTN Publishing, 2017); and Calm in Chaos (Ignatius, 2018). Sæva indignatio. Few writers in the history of English letters could express “savage indignation” at human folly as did Jonathan Swift who wrote those words for his own epitaph. Our times give ample opportunity to empathize …
Korean Devotion to the Legion of Mary
Founded 7 September 1921 in Dublin, Ireland. Established in USA in 1933. Now a worldwide organization of the Lay Apostolate. Concilium – world headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Senatus – regional group that supervises Legion of Mary in parts of the country.Comitium – oversees a diocese with more than two Curiae.Curia – supervises several praesidia in a smaller area like a diocese or part of a diocese.Praesidium – a parish unit of the legion of Mary with 5-20 members. +Since there are so many Korean legionaries in the United States, interest is naturally peaked in knowing a little more about the …
Why I Wish Jonathan Morris Had Remained a Priest
Father Raymond J. de Souza is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ont., where he serves as chaplain for Newman House, the Catholic chaplaincy at Queen’s University. Before entering the seminary, he studied economics at Queen’s and the University of Cambridge, England, including a year abroad doing research in economic development in the Philippines. In addition to his priestly duties, Fr. de Souza teaches at Queen’s, is frequently invited to be a guest speaker, and writes for several publications, both religious and secular. Why I Wish Jonathan Morris Had Remained a Priest : a COMMENTARY: There are …
The Numerous Uses of Holy Water
“I have become all things to all, to save at least some” (1 Cor. 9:22) basically describes her life as writer, homemaker, friend and sister, wife, and mother of 2 spunky children, all for the sake of Gospel joy. She received her BA in Theology, Catechetics/Youth Ministry, and English Writing from Franciscan University of Steubenvile. Her life mottos are Ad Majoram Dei Gloriam and “Without complaint, everything shall I suffer for in the love of God, nothing have I to fear” (St. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart). She is Pennsylvanian by birth, Californian by heart, and in Colorado for …
15 Heresies and the Manly Saints Who Fought Them
The history of the Catholic Church is full of all sorts of heresies that have assailed the truths of the faith. From the earliest days of the Gnostics and Docetists all the way down to the Jansenists and Quietists of later centuries, it seems there has never been a shortage of heretical thought. But in each age, God has brought forth bold and courageous men to combat each one. These warrior saints gave their life in service to Christ and His Church in their own way, either as martyrs, confessors, or simply as servants to others for the sake of …
The Unaccountable Silence of Bret Baier
Hadley Arkes is the Founder/Director of the James Wilson Institute in Washington, D.C. and professor of jurisprudence emeritus at Amherst College. He was the architect of the Born-Alive Infants’ Protection Act. His most recent book is Constitutional Illusions & Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law. Volume II of his audio lectures from The Modern Scholar, First Principles and Natural Law is now available for download. Ever since Brit Hume receded from his role in anchoring the Fox evening news, there has been no anchorman more finely suited to this vocation than his apt successor, Bret Baier. Baier ascended …