China-Vatican: The Strange Desire of the Holy See to be Fooled

The first two articles presented two Chinese delegates to the conference on the 100th anniversary of the First Chinese Council, held in Rome on May 21: Joseph Shin Ben, Bishop of Shanghai, vice-president of the Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics (APCC) and Professor Zheng Xiaojun. They showed the alignment of the two interventions with the doctrine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in matters of religion and with the organizations responsible for applying this religious policy, in particular the Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics – dependent on the CCP – and the United Front, which spreads the thought of Chinese …

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Francis Appoints Homosexualists to Shape Doctrine

Julia Meloni is the author of The St. Gallen Mafia (TAN, 2021). She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Yale and a master’s degree in English from Harvard. Recently, Pope Francis appointed three new members of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.  Notably—according to the reporting of Vatican expert Edward Pentin—all three can be linked to statements, actions, or alliances regarding the topic of homosexuality.  The three prelates are Archbishop Bruno Forte, Cardinal Jose Tolentino de Mendonca, and Cardinal Marcello Semeraro. Forte is well-known to those who followed the 2014-2015 Synods on the Family.  In 2014, as the synod’s special secretary, …

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Padre Pio replied to John Paul II’s letter with a miracle

John Paul II wrote a letter to Padre Pio asking for prayers and the saintly friar responded with a miracle. In 1947, newly ordained priest Fr. Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) visited Padre Pio to meet the famous Capuchin friar. It was a brief visit, but Wojtyla didn’t forget it, as he later wrote a letter to Padre Pio asking for prayers. The letter was written (in Latin) in 1962 when Wojtyla was a bishop in Poland. The following is an excerpt of the letter from the book The Making of the Pope of the Millennium. John Paul II never received a …

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Pope’s Anti-TLM Theologian Shows His Pro-Contraception Cards

Pope Francis is fond of saying “Everything is connected.” Traditionalists have been saying the same thing for the past six decades. We have long emphasized that those who transformed the Catholic liturgy on paper and in practice were also entertaining doctrinal novelties, oddities, and, at times, even heresies. Conversely, a radically changed liturgy has led to the weakening and occasioned the loss of faith in, any number of central doctrines of Catholicism, or that the loss of reverence for God is bound up with moral drift in every sphere of life. It is not hard, after all, to see that the lex orandi, the lex credendi, and …

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Will There Be African Resistance to the October 2024 Synod?

In an interview with KTO, a French Catholic news channel, on March 17, 2024, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, Archbishop of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), discussed the Fiducia supplicans Declaration that authorized the blessing of same-sex couples. He regretted the method used by the Vatican to publish Fiducia supplicans: without prior consultation and with a particular timetable. “I do not believe that this text was necessary at that time,” he said, recalling that the first session of the Synod on Synodality had just ended in Rome and that a second session …

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The deep grammar of a(nother) papal faux pas

Christopher R. Altieri is a journalist, editor, and author of three books, including Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith (Catholic Truth Society, 2021). He is a contributing editor to Catholic World Report. We often hear that Pope Francis is either a revolutionary reformer with something like the ecclesiastical version of the Midas touch or he is a gaslighting grifter who’s at least half a heretic and thoroughly corrupt. Neither is correct. It turns out that “shitposting” is a technical term. There’s a great literature, approaching a whole subfield of academic communications studies, treating the practice of tossing cheap and easy provocations into digital …

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Rediscovering the memorable Saint Anthony of Padua

Dawn Beutner is the author of The Leaven of the Saints: Bringing Christ into a Fallen World (Ignatius Press, 2023), and Saints: Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year also from Ignatius Press. She blogs at It is somewhat disappointing that most Catholics only call upon the brilliant, articulate Saint Anthony to help them find their car keys. After all, he can do much more for us than help us find items we have lost. Catholic saints sometimes become popular for strange reasons. Saint Nicholas, bishop of the early Church, may have inspired the legend of Saint Nick, but he bore little …

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Cause for hope in new data on Eucharistic faith?

Reverend Peter M.J. Stravinskas founded The Catholic Answer in 1987 and The Catholic Response in 2004, as well as the Priestly Society of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, a clerical association of the faithful, committed to Catholic education, liturgical renewal and the new evangelization. Father Stravinskas is also the President of the Catholic Education Foundation, an organization, which serves as a resource for heightening the Catholic identity of Catholic schools. A recent poll conducted by Vinea Research says that “69% of Catholics who attend Mass at least yearly believe that the Eucharistic elements become the invisible substance of Christ.” But there is a serious problem …

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Everyone on Earth (Including You) Is Either in a State of Grace, or a State of Mortal Sin

COMMENTARY: The lines between a sinful act and a state of sin have been blurred. It’s time to clarify them Father Jeffrey Kirby is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace parish in Indian Land, South Carolina, and the host of the daily devotional podcast Morning Offering With Father Kirby. The Church is commissioned by Christ to give the faithful — especially those in states of sin — the gifts of doctrinal integrity, candid teaching, and time. (Photo: Igreca2n / Shutterstock) Father Jeffrey Kirby CommentariesJanuary 18, 2024 In recent moral teaching, it has become clear that the gravity of a person living …

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Opinion: Fiducia Supplicans

Dr. Robert A. J. GagnonPhilip PrimeauFr. Jerry J. Pokorsky Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon is the author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice and professor of the Bible at Houston Christian University. He holds a BA from Dartmouth, an MTS from Harvard Divinity School, and a PhD from the Princeton Theological Seminary. The Vatican’s Dicastery (i.e., administration; formerly, Congregation) for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued, with Pope Francis’s approval, a document called Fiducia Supplicans (hereafter FS) that contains a section allowing priests to offer “non-ritualized blessings” to “couples of the same sex” (III.31-41). It is a master-class example of doublespeak. On the one hand, …

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